priest praying alone inside a church

One privilege God has given every believer is access to His voice. This ability to hear His voice is one key feature that distinguishes a believer from an unbeliever. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice…” (John 10:27). These words of Jesus speak volumes about the intimate relationship intended between God and His followers. The ability to hear the voice of God stands as a distinguishing trait of those who walk in alignment with Him.

The Identity Marker

Consider this: if you find yourself unable to discern the voice of the Lord, it might imply your disconnection from His fold. It’s a stark reality – if you’re not hearing His voice, you might not be among His sheep. This isn’t to condemn but to awaken a deeper yearning to commune with God.

When Jesus said that “His sheep hear His voice”, He was making a separation between those who followed Him and those who did not. It is an identity marker. This means that everyone who professes they belong to Jesus should have the ability to hear His voice and not just the ability to hear, but to hear His voice in practical terms.

It’s disheartening that many Christians aren’t aware of the possibility of hearing God’s voice, let alone experiencing it. It’s a truth overlooked or obscured amidst the noise of daily life. The voice of God, however, transcends the mundane; it beckons to a realm of divine communion available to every believer.

Your Rights and Responsibility

Let’s be unequivocal: every child of God possesses the inherent right to hear His voice. More than a privilege, it’s a responsibility, an essential aspect of our relationship with the Almighty. It’s not an exclusive privilege for a chosen few; it’s a birthright extended to all who believe. It’s not reserved for the Pastors, prophets, or apostles but for every child of God, including those who have just given their life to Jesus.

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When we emphasize the need for every believer to hear God’s voice, it’s crucial to clarify – this means hearing directly from God, not solely through intermediaries. While God may use prophets, pastors, or other gifts in the body of Christ to convey His message, they serve as confirmation, not the primary source. God wants to speak to you directly, He wants to speak to you beyond your pastor’s message or any means you are getting exaltation from.

The Divine Channel of Communication

God primarily communicates with us through His Holy Spirit releasing His message to our spirit. It’s an internal resonance, a whisper that resonates within the depths of your being. This divine connection is facilitated by the Holy Spirit, dwelling within every believer. The Holy Spirit is the divine channel, facilitating direct communication between God and His children.

The Bible says, “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God” (1Co 2:12). The Holy Spirit communicates the mind of God to us. He gives us an understanding of the things of God and brings us into the full knowledge of His will as packaged in the scriptures.

It’s time to shift the paradigm. No longer should we solely rely on human sources or intermediaries to hear God’s voice. It’s time to embrace the Holy Spirit within us and establish an intimate relationship that tunes our ears to the frequency of the divine. I pray that the Lord gives you understanding.

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If you are born again, you possess all necessary to hear His voice. It’s time to activate this divine connection. Begin by quieting the noise around you, creating space for communion with the Holy Spirit. Engage in prayer, and meditation on Scriptures, and cultivate a sensitive heart and spirit to perceive His voice.

Remember, the Holy Spirit within you is the conduit through which God communicates. Nurture this relationship; seek His voice earnestly, and in due time, you’ll recognize the gentle whispers, the nudges, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit within the depths of your soul.

In conclusion, hearing God’s voice is not an elusive gift reserved for a select few. It’s the sacred privilege and promise bestowed upon every child of God. I charge you to embrace this truth, cultivate intimacy with the Holy Spirit, and experience the profound joy of communing intimately with God – hearing, understanding, and walking in alignment with His divine will.


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