
Have you ever thought of loving God with your money?

Yes! you have given to God, but what about loving Him with it? I like you to understand that you can give without loving God, but you can never love without giving to God.

In this post, I will be showing you how to love God with your money.

Now let’s go in practical terms.

When you really love someone, you suddenly become creative in how to express your love.

Love is an action word. It’s not passive but active.

You will always want to prove your love to the one you love in two ways, which are;

  • Impressing (Pleasing) them and
  • Promoting them

Our relationship with God is like that of a wife to her husband.

A submissive and loving wife serves her husband with holy reverence skeptical whether the husband will love what she presents.

She doesn’t approach with arrogance knowing fully well that the husband is the one who provided the money.

1 Cor 4:7 says that “what do you have that was not given to you?” and that is what should mark our attitude to the blessings of God.

We must never assume the position of a giver when we approach God. But the position of a steward of His resources.

You are a steward of everything that you have and you will give an account of how you use it.

You can’t give to God in the sense of someone in need. God can never be in need. He created everything. He said in Psalms 50:12 that “if I were hungry, I will not tell you: for the world is mine, and the fulness thereof.

But you can love God with your money. By;

  1. Impressing Him – gaining His admiration.

Some people have argued that man cannot impress God. In as much as I believe that we are accepted by God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. What we do after we are saved is always recognized by God.

See also  Why are your tithes and offerings not making you richer?

Hebrew 6:10 says that God is not unrighteous to forget your labour of love. So, God can be impressed by man. When we go the extra mile to spend our money for kingdom advancement, it impresses God.

Job was a man that impressed God with his life and God was proud of him. He told the devil, “have you considered My servant Job? (Job 1:8)

One way that makes impressing God easy is living your life to please Him by identifying what He wants and doing it. When Jesus was baptized, the voice of God from heaven said, …This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. (Mat 3:17 KJV).

When God gives you money, your response should be, what way will the spending of it interest God?

To help you identify some ways; I believe God will be pleased, when you provide for your home; when you feed the poor; when you sponsor kingdom projects; and when you use your money to influence systems of the world for the glory of God.

When you are out to please God, no amount of money will be too much for you to use for Him. You give without restraint. You go all out to ensure that the plans of God are fulfilled on earth.

  • Promote Him

If you love God, you will promote Him and His kingdom with your money.

You will not be comfortable seeing the works of the devil on display when you can silence them.

If evil inventions are thriving, it is because we have failed to invest in righteous inventions. If worldly songs, movies, fashions and technologies are trending, it is because we are not investing in godly ones.

I urge you to use your money to proclaim Jesus. Let everything that has Christ in it excites you. Support platforms that promote Christ as well as use your money to create platforms that promote the kingdom. Create record labels that signs artist in millions, and create movie villages that allow talented people to display their talents for God. Create research centers that take advantage of the wisdom of God to invent new things and so on.

See also  The Blessing of Having Money

I pray that God will give you understanding.

How does God respond when we love Him with our money?

The only way God responds is by rewarding us. He is not paying us back in a sense of what He owed us, but rewarding us. The reward is given in recognition of your faithfulness and it is determined by God Himself.

 You don’t pray to receive a reward. You serve to receive rewards which can come in a number of ways. God can decide to promote you, grant you global recognition, or entrust you with more power to carry out His assignment.

Lastly, you must not release your money to God because of reward but because of your love for Him. Let God surprise you with His reward at the time He chooses and by how He chooses. Let it be a pleasurable adventure for you to lavish all the resources God has given you on His kingdom and your life on earth will be heavenly.

God bless you


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