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There are negative realities in life that have become unavoidable for every human. These realities cannot be wished away; they can only be prepared for. The only way to prepare against these negative realities is to secure life insurance that guarantees help in times of need.

It’s important to recognize that every negative experience in life comes with damaging effects. They instill fear, demoralize you, reduce your self-esteem, puncture your faith, and sometimes incapacitate you. So, I will be showing you two major negative realities that are plaguing humanity and how to insure your life against them.

“I considered and observed on earth the following: The race doesn’t go to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor food to the wise, nor wealth to the smart, nor recognition to the skilled. Instead, timing and circumstances meet them all. In addition, no human being knows his time: Like fish captured in a cruel net, or as birds caught in a snare, so also are human beings caught by bad timing that surprises them.” (Ecc 9:11-12 ISV)

The first reality of life, as observed in the quoted scripture (Ecc 9:11-12 ISV), is vain labor or laboring in vain. That is, getting little or no result from your enormous investments.

The second reality is tragedies. Tragedies like accidents, human and natural disasters, and crises are what humans usually get caught up in at times they never expected. They are usually sudden and unplanned for. They can wreck a whole life, and if less severe, they can incapacitate an individual. Job experienced something similar when he lost all his possessions, including his children (Job 1:1-22). He came out strong because he was insured against it.

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Every human, both the rich and poor, has experienced this reality at one time or another in their lives. It is always painful for anyone who experiences it, but it is a reality you cannot wish away or even pray away sometimes. We have records of righteous people in the Bible who experienced this reality in their journey of life. Sometimes, it might please God to allow His people to go through such situations (though He always makes a way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13)). But the experience itself is always the same – painful and undesirable to anyone.

You need insurance against negative happenings in life to go through them without experiencing their damaging effects. This insurance, which guarantees help in every time of need, is divine presence.

This is the word of the Lord to Israel and by extension to everyone who needs this life insurance. He said:

“When you go through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire, you will not be burned, and the flame will not consume you.” (Isaiah 43:2 ESV)

Notice, God did not say “If”; He said “when,” which means you will go through situations in life that will feel like water and fire. But what is guaranteed is that if you have His presence, you will not feel the damaging effects of them, and you will go through and come out just fine and victorious. God’s presence is the only insurance for life that guarantees sure and potent help in every time of need.

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To secure God’s presence, you need to surrender your life to Him by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Once you have done that, His presence can be secured through constant and daily fellowship with Him through prayer and meditation on God’s word by His Holy Spirit. I pray that God will give you understanding in Jesus’ name. With God’s presence, you can turn a bad situation into a good one, just like Job had double of everything he lost (Job 42:10-17). God’s presence will shield you from the damaging effects of the negative realities of life and bring you on top in every situation.


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