sunset in the mountains

The supernatural realm, where God’s divine intervention and limitless power reign, distinguishes Christians from unbelievers. This divine influence is what breathes life into our faith and gives Christianity its extraordinary potency. As the apostle Paul vividly declared in 1 Corinthians 2:4 (KJV), “And my speech and my preaching were notContinue Reading

wooden pier with sailboat in calm water at colorful sunset

As Christians, we often find ourselves in the midst of challenging situations that seem insurmountable, situations that demand a supernatural intervention. In such times, there are secret keys we can use, according to the Scriptures, to unlock and turn these predicaments into positive outcomes. Before we delve deeper, let’s examineContinue Reading

photo of woman standing on sunflower field

Achieving remarkable results isn’t solely the product of relentless hard work. While hard work undeniably holds value and significance, it can sometimes fall short in producing the desired outcomes. There’s a crucial factor that goes beyond our personal endeavors, a force that operates on a higher plane to aid usContinue Reading