two white sheeps

As a believer, you become a sheep of God’s pasture the moment you become born again. The Bible says in Psalm 100:3b “…we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.” This is not mere symbolism, but a gateway to an existence brimming with divine provision and guidance. YouContinue Reading

person holding white smartphone inside vehicle

As Christians, we will inevitably encounter many distractions on our journey to answer God’s call. To overcome these distractions, it is essential to understand their nature and how they operate. Jesus spoke, saying, “…No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdomContinue Reading

photo of woman standing on sunflower field

Achieving remarkable results isn’t solely the product of relentless hard work. While hard work undeniably holds value and significance, it can sometimes fall short in producing the desired outcomes. There’s a crucial factor that goes beyond our personal endeavors, a force that operates on a higher plane to aid usContinue Reading