baby in diaper

You must understand the reason for being alive for you to enjoy your existence on earth. The purpose for being alive is designed by the Giver of life. It is not what an individual can determine or formulate. It is pre-ordained and serves as the reason why life is given in the first place.

So, every life that exists is released into the earth because there is a purpose to be accomplished. This is the reason why it is crucial for every living being to understand and live the purpose for which their lives were given.

To understand the purpose of life as designed by the Giver, let’s look at what the manual of life has to say.

“The true God is the Creator of all things. He is the owner and Lord of the heavenly realm and the earthly realm, and he doesn’t live in man-made temples. He supplies life and breath and all things to every living being. He doesn’t lack a thing that we mortals could supply for him, for he has all things and everything he needs. From one man, Adam, he made every man and woman and every race of humanity, and he spread us over all the earth. He sets the boundaries of people and nations, determining their appointed times in history. He has done this so that every person would long for God, feel their way to him, and find him—for he is the God who is easy to discover! It is through him that we live and function and have our identity; just as your own poets have said, ‘Our lineage comes from him.’ (Act 17:24-28 TPT)

From this quoted scripture, some key things can be seen as the reason or purpose for God releasing His life into His creatures. These include the idea that every person would;

  • Long for God
  • Feel their way to Him and
  • Find Him
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So, let’s look at each of them:

The first purpose of life is to long for God. God gave life so that every living being would develop a longing for Him. He didn’t give life so that His creatures would be independent of Him; rather, He gave life so that all His creatures would depend on Him. As people to whom God has given the opportunity to be alive, our desires should be directed towards Him. We must be seekers of God, ones who are never satisfied until we find Him. We must develop a longing for God that will drive us to seek Him out.

The second purpose of life, which is an extension of the first, is to feel your way to God. We shouldn’t just long for God; we must be practical about it. Feeling our way to God means that every experience, achievement, circumstance, and encounter should lead us to Him (Rom 1:20, 2:4). Every positive experience should lead us to see God’s hand behind it, and every undesirable or negative experience in life should lead us to seek help from Him. Nothing in life should lead us away from God.

The third purpose is to find God. This goes beyond mere desire or searching; it is a heartfelt expedition and discovery of who God is. It is the greatest discovery of life – coming to know the Person of God through personal experience. The Bible says, “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart” (Jer 29:13 KJV). God gave us life so that we might find Him, and in finding Him, we will discover His specific assignment for our lives. This is more than mere religious association; it is having a personal encounter with God, one that makes Him real to you. That is the purpose of life.

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One way to fulfill the purpose of life is to encounter the Bread of Life, who is the light of everyone that comes into this world. His name is Jesus Christ. You can encounter Him by believing in your heart that He is the Son of God who takes away the sins of the world and confessing Him as your Lord and Savior. If you do this, your life will take a new, glorious, and fulfilling turn.

Therefore, the purpose of life is not merely to be rich, get married, or acquire the pleasurable things of life – even though they are good. The purpose of life, as we have seen, is to have a deep longing for God to the point of finding our way to Him and knowing Him. Anyone who pursues these purposes will no doubt live a life that is fulfilling and rewarding before God.


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