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One of the most remarkable aspects of a Christian’s journey should be the consistent manifestation of the supernatural. Every individual who is born again enters through the door of the supernatural. Salvation itself is a profound supernatural experience, and the life of each believer is intricately designed to bear witness to countless supernatural occurrences.

As stated in Psalm 136:4, God is a wonder-working God, and these wondrous manifestations are channeled through His children. It is essential to understand that the world will recognize God’s goodness when they witness it manifesting in the life of a believer. Consequently, it becomes imperative for every believer to anticipate and actively seek the supernatural moves of God in their lives. This isn’t merely an option; it’s an integral part of our Christian experience.

However, experiencing the supernatural is not something that happens automatically; it requires specific actions and alignment with divine principles. We must position ourselves correctly to facilitate the manifestation of the supernatural in our lives.

Here are five steps to guide you in experiencing the supernatural in your life, I pray that your eyes of understanding will be enlightened as you follow these steps in Jesus name;

  1. Setting Things in Order: To experience the supernatural, your life must be in proper alignment. A profound example can be found in the story of Elijah confronting the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18:30-38. Before calling down fire from heaven, Elijah first set things in order by repairing the altar of God. This illustrates that in our Christian journey today, we must ensure that our lives are in order, particularly our spiritual lives. We need to repair the altars of our hearts.

If you have been lazy or lukewarm in your Christian journey, you need to wake up. We need to set our priorities right again concerning righteousness, the ministry of prayer, and the Word of God. We need to return to practicing those things that bring down the power of God in our lives. We need to rekindle the zeal we once had for the things of God. It is when we set things in order that the fire of God’s supernatural manifestation will be released into our lives and situations. Sometimes, the enjoyment of the last supernatural move of God in our lives often makes us relax and become redundant. But it’s time to rekindle the fire in us so that we can experience more manifestations of His power.

  1. Believe for It: Mark 9:23 declares, “Jesus said to him, ‘If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.'” To experience the supernatural in your life, you must realize that all things are possible for those who believe. God will not do for you what you cannot believe Him to do. If Joshua could believe God to have the sun stand still for a day and it happened, there is no form of supernatural experience that will not be released if we can believe for it. It takes faith to move mountains. This form of faith believes with the heart without doubt and declares it with the mouth (Mark 11:23). One thing that will strengthen your faith is to develop a possibility mindset through studying and meditating on the Word of God. It takes such a possibility mindset to demand the release of the supernatural and see it happen. God is ready to release His wonders upon the earth if only we have people who believe for it.
  2. Demand for It: Boldly asking for the impossible is a hallmark of faith. As Bishop Oyedepo wisely puts it, “If it’s too big for your mouth, it will be too big for your hand.” Moses didn’t hesitate to demand the extraordinary, and neither should you. He asked that Korah, Dathan, and Abiram should not die a natural death, and the ground opened, and they were buried alive (Numbers 16:28-33). Be willing to request the seemingly impossible, for you will not experience what you hesitate to confess. Be like Moses and ask God for extraordinary outcomes. Boldly demand the impossible from God, and you will witness it happening in Jesus’ name.
  3. Expect It to Happen in Your Life: Expectation is the fuel that propels your faith. It is your expectations that will determine your experience. Whenever you pray or demand the release of the supernatural move of God in your life, you must be diligent enough to expect it. Many times, believers pray without really expecting their answer to come, but that shouldn’t be the case with you. If you pray for supernatural healing, you must be looking out for its manifestation. If you are expecting it, you shouldn’t be surprised when you see the manifestation. You can only be surprised if you don’t see it happen because God already promised that you will see the glory of God when you believe (John 11:40). Never expect anything less than what you ask for when you are demanding the supernatural. God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). So, stop limiting God with your expectations.
  4. Have a Daily Approach: Each day is an opportunity to witness the supernatural. Psalm 68:19 reminds us that God loads us with benefits daily. Therefore, anticipate God’s moves daily in your life. Every day presents an opportunity to witness the supernatural in action. Miracles should not be rare occurrences but daily blessings in our lives. We shouldn’t leave anything to natural happenstance but allowing God to move in our lives on a daily basis. Embrace the reality that God’s signature is the supernatural, and it should be the defining feature of your journey.
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In closing, dear friends, the supernatural isn’t a distant dream; it’s a divine reality yearning to manifest in your life. By aligning your life with God’s priorities, nurturing unwavering faith, boldly demanding the extraordinary, and maintaining steadfast expectations, you unlock the door to God’s supernatural power. May your life serve as a living testament to His wonders, and may you inspire those around you to believe in the limitless possibilities of faith. Our God is a wonderworker, and through His name, all things are possible. I pray that God grant you understanding and empowerment to apply these principles in your life, so that you may continually experience the supernatural in Jesus’ name.


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