shallow focus photography of man wearing black coat and black pants standing beside green trees

In a world where distractions and worldly pursuits often consume our attention, we can easily lose sight of our divine assignment on this Earth. We find ourselves chasing material possessions, success, and societal validation, yet deep within us, there’s an innate yearning for something more profound, something that aligns withContinue Reading

man standing on the end of the rock

Successful people are not those who only work hard, but those who work smart. Many hard workers do not generate results. While hard work is good and everyone must work hard, it takes working smart to achieve desired and enviable results. The key to working smart is wisdom. The BibleContinue Reading

person holding white smartphone inside vehicle

As Christians, we will inevitably encounter many distractions on our journey to answer God’s call. To overcome these distractions, it is essential to understand their nature and how they operate. Jesus spoke, saying, “…No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdomContinue Reading