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I want to share with you two fundamental principles that encapsulate God’s wisdom for achieving a thriving and harmonious marriage. These principles aren’t mere suggestions; they are powerful guidelines that can not only salvage a troubled marriage but also elevate an already blissful one. It’s crucial to understand that God’s wisdom, when adhered to, consistently proves its superiority, guiding you through life’s complex challenges and leading you toward enduring success.

Ephesians 5:22–26 provides the foundation for understanding God’s wisdom in the context of marriage:

“Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church, and He is the Savior of the body. Therefore, as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be subject to their own husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for it, that He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word.”

Within this scripture lies the quintessential wisdom of God for a flourishing marriage. It serves as a divine prescription, assuring domestic happiness and acting as a safeguard against the painful journey of divorce. These principles can be distilled into two concise phrases: “Wives, submit to your husbands” and “Husbands, love your wives.”  Now, let’s explore how these principles can build a blissful marriage and prevent divorce.

#1 The wisdom and power of submission

Ephesians 5:22–24 instruct wives with these words: “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the church, and He is the Savior of the body. Therefore, as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be subject to their own husbands in everything.”

This instruction encourages wives to be submissive to their husbands as they would be to God. The term ‘submission’ can be a point of contention in today’s society, as it seems to challenge the spirit of equality and autonomy that is contributing to the high divorce rates we see everywhere. However, from a biblical perspective, submission takes on a profound and empowering meaning. It entails willingly embracing your husband’s leadership and recognizing it as a reflection of God’s divine order for marriage. It’s about entrusting your husband with the role of guiding the family while you, in turn, offer your unwavering support.

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The Bible further states that the husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the church and the Savior of the body. The head is the thinking center of the body, which is what a husband should be to his wife. And it is only possible when a wife submits herself to the authority of her husband. This represents divine order and God’s principle for a successful home.

This form of submission is powerful in its ability to cultivate favor with your husband. It serves as a profound connection, akin to a remote control that deepens the bond between a man and his wife, opening his heart fully to her. When you wholeheartedly submit to your husband, you not only grant him the responsibility of caring for your needs but also provide him with the strength and motivation to do so. Submission becomes a formidable tool, capable of humbling even the mightiest of men, bending them toward your side, and unifying your marriage in purpose and love.

It’s essential to emphasize that submission should not be a burden but rather a source of comfort for wives. Every wife should feel comfortable submitting to their husbands. For unmarried women, the decision to marry should be deeply rooted in the conviction that the chosen partner is worthy of this submission. Take this matter to God in prayer, and His guidance will lead you toward a partner who aligns with this divine principle.

#2 The Ministry of Loving Your Wife

Ephesians 5:25–26 reinforces the importance of love within marriage: “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for it, that He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word.”

The husband’s role in marriage, according to God’s plan, is to love his wife, and this love extends far beyond the surface of mere affection. Most people do not realize that love also involves submission. You cannot love someone until you can identify with them. It encompasses the entirety of the marriage, from companionship to sacrifice. In essence, it mirrors Christ’s love for the church, a love so profound that He willingly laid down His life for it. This love sanctifies and purifies the relationship, rejuvenating it with the transformative power of God’s Word.

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Loving your wife requires a willingness to sacrifice—to place her needs and desires above your own. It signifies an unwavering commitment to meeting her every need, ensuring that nothing is too great or too small to be offered to her. It’s about attuning yourself to her unique needs, understanding her love language, recognizing her strengths and weaknesses, and actively working to support and uplift her.

Every husband must realize that their wife is a reflection of who they are. If your wife is not in good shape, it is a reflection of a failing head in her life. A wife’s state reflects the leadership and care provided by her husband. Therefore, it is your duty, as a husband, to view your wife as a project of utmost importance. Most husbands often neglect this aspect and wonder why their homes are not working. You must work on your wife through love before you can witness the dividends of a blissful home. You must take proactive steps to ensure her success, nurturing her growth and well-being with the same love and attention that Christ lavished upon the church.

In conclusion, the Bible beautifully states in Ephesians 5:33, “Nevertheless, let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself, and let the wife see that she reverences her husband.” These words encapsulate God’s wisdom and hold the key to sustaining a thriving marriage at all times. Both husband and wife must fully embrace their roles and commit to these principles to experience the lasting joy and fulfillment of a harmonious home. If you choose to embrace this divine wisdom today, I can confidently assure you that your home will undergo a profound transformation, with God’s glory radiating brightly in your lives, all in the name of Jesus.”


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