person in black shirt standing on white floor

Have you ever wondered why you’re here on this earth? What is your purpose, your calling, and your mission in life? The truth is, God has sent you here with a specific mission in mind, and it’s your responsibility to discover it. The failure of many people stems from not uncovering their true purpose, which can lead to a life filled with wrong works and unproductivity. However, the good news is that discovering your mission is not a daunting task but rather a sensitive one that requires soul-searching and a diligent approach. In this post, we will explore a powerful and guaranteed way to gain clarity about your mission: through the operation of the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God’s will.

The Role of the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation:

The Bible teaches us in Ephesians 1:17-18 (KJV), “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints.”

Here, we see that the Spirit of wisdom and revelation plays a pivotal role in helping us discover our divine calling. This Spirit is available to those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. However, it won’t simply fall upon you; it comes through prayer and meditation on the Word of God. The Spirit of revelation will deepen your understanding of your purpose.

See also  The Power of Self-Discovery in Fulfilling Your Purpose on Earth

The Assurance of Your Mission:

When the Spirit of wisdom and revelation comes into your life, it gives you the assurance you need regarding your mission. It opens your eyes to understand who you were created to be and reveals what your future holds. This incredible resource is available to every believer.

How to Activate the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation

To benefit from the operation of this Spirit, you need to tune in to your spirit. Instead of running around seeking help and direction from the world, invest time in prayer and studying the Word of God. The closer your spirit is to God, the clearer His instructions become.

Time and space cannot limit the Spirit of wisdom and revelation. He can speak to you at any moment if you allow Him. You might hear His voice while driving to work or receive guidance early in the morning. Through this Spirit, you can uncover your life’s purpose. From personal experience, while driving to work, I have received guidance about my mission. At times, in the early morning, I hear His voice directing my path. I came to understand my purpose on this earth through the workings of this Spirit. I strongly believe that if you allow Him the opportunity, He will reveal to you the central purpose of your existence

Steps to Discover Your Mission:

  1. Commit to daily prayer, asking God to grant you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation.
  2. Develop sensitivity to receive from God. Be open and attentive to His guidance and direction.
  3. When you discover God’s plans and purpose for your life, write them down and wholeheartedly pursue them.
See also  The Power of Singleness of Purpose in Fulfilling Your Divine Calling


Discovering your purpose, your divine mission, is a journey that requires faith. It requires prayer, and a willingness to listen to the Spirit of wisdom and revelation. God will not hide His assignment for your life from your reach. He is a revealer of secrets, and He eagerly wants to unveil His original plan whenever you are ready for it.

Give yourself to prayer daily, asking God to bestow upon you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation. Be sensitive enough to receive His plans that have been specially reserved for you. When you discover His purpose, write it down and run with it. Your life will be transformed to fulfill the mission that God has entrusted to you. Your existence will take on a new meaning, and your impact on the world will be profound. In Jesus’ name, you will live a life of purpose and fulfillment.


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