close up photo of medals on wooden surface

The best thing that can happen to any man is to be honoured by God. When God honours a man, he becomes a trans-generational blessing and a celebrity like Abraham. But according to the words of Jesus in John 12:26, He said “…if any man serves me, him will My Father honour”. The God who cannot lie said, “if you serve Me, I will honour you”. I think this is the best offer any man can get from the Almighty God. But you can’t be sure to know how to serve God until you follow what am about to show you.

Serving God is not activity-based as many believed, it is relationship based. Jesus said, “if any man serves Me, let him follow Me” (John 12:26). Many people in the church today are full of activity “to God” and are wondering why their lives are not reflecting the glory of God. That is why many have resigned from such activities when faced with little opposition. But those who attract divine honour by serving God are those who placed their relationship with God above all else.

Serving God is a love affair and love only thrives on obedience to His commands. “if you love Me, keep my commandments”. Mary and Martha were two sisters who had distinct relationships with Christ. Mary was a lover, who preferred to sit at the feet of Jesus listening to His words while Martha was full of activities but had no time to fellowship with Jesus. Mary received the highest commendation and blessing while Martha received correction instead of commendation (Luke 10:38-42). Don’t misunderstand me; activities are suitable if they originate out of fellowship with God. God told Saul, “Obedience is better than sacrifice” (1 Sam 15:22).

Every form of outward service to God must first be motivated from the altar of fellowship with God before it can attract honour from God. Whether you give material substances, sing in the choir or participate in evangelism or another form of ministry; all must be God-driven. It will be impossible for those who serve God in order to seek attention from man to receive honour from God.

Knowing God intimately is non-negotiable if your service must attract honour from God. You can’t serve the God you don’t know or have a personal relationship with. Understanding who God is and His will is a gateway to effective kingdom service that attracts honour from God. That is why you need to be genuinely saved, baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues and spending quality time in the word and prayer for effective fellowship.

When Jesus appointed disciples, He appointed them first, to be with Him (fellowship) and to send them out (Matt 3:14). Until you learn how to fellowship with God, you will never know how to obey and serve Him and in turn receive the honour of Him. I admonish you never to rush into activities for God until you have established a relationship with Him. Don’t be carried away by what has to be done, but discover through fellowship what He wants you to do.

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Remember, God does not commend the all-rounder; He honours only those who do exactly what He wants. Do you know what God wants you to do? Discover it today by living an addicted life of fellowship with God. Don’t serve God in the flesh any longer; begin to serve in the spirit and in truth from now. The Bible says “If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures”. (Job 36:11 KJV). I welcome you to a world of honour, prosperity and pleasure. Shalom.


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