Every man or woman living on this planet earth is faced with one opposition or the other. These forces of the enemy are out to wreck the lives and destinies of men. If you don’t do anything about these opposing forces, they will make a mess of your life and destiny. That is why you can’t afford to miss what am about to share with you on how you can defeat all your enemies including the very stubborn ones.
Let me start by stating that all it takes to defeat your adversaries have been done by one man and handed down to you if only you will receive it. Every adversity established or manifesting anywhere is pioneered and controlled by Satan. No matter what is opposing you in any area of your life, Satan is at the root of all of it. That is why you must be ready to do as am about to unveil to you.
The devil, your one and only enemy who manifests in diverse ways and media is an already defeated force. If you don’t know this, you will continue to live in perpetual fear and defeat all your life. Jesus came into the world to destroy every work of the devil (1 John 3:8). He disarm the enemy of all his weaponry and made a public show of them triumphing over them in victory (Col 2:15). But all these do not transform into automatic victory for you unless you know and do what it takes to appropriate it.
I have told you all these to let you know that your adversary is only thriving on your ignorance. And that is the only battle you have to fight right now and each and every day of your life. You need to fight ignorance because your enemy wants you to always believe he has power over you; that is not true. You can defeat your enemy by changing the way you think. You have made your enemy powerful enough by how you think; it’s time to switch your thinking to the powerful one who overcame for you.
“The LORD says, “I am the one who strengthens you. Why should you fear mortals, who are no more enduring than grass? Have you forgotten the LORD who made you, who stretched out the heavens and laid the earth’s foundations? Why should you live in constant fear of the fury of those who oppress you, of those who are ready to destroy you? Their fury can no longer touch you. (Isa 51:12-13 GNB).
That’s the good news am sharing with you. God, the creator of heaven and earth has won the battle over your enemy for you. It’s time to start thinking of how big this God is. The more you get conscious of how big your God is, the more irrelevant your enemy will assume. You can arise right now with this understanding and order every stubborn enemy out of your life, health, finances, and career in the name of Jesus.
But let me warn you; the victory that Jesus won over the devil, your enemy can only be accessible if you are genuinely born again by willingly repenting of all your sins and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. You don’t have to be defeated another day. Surrender your life to Jesus now by going to Him in prayer and seeing your enemy crumbling under your feet.
I love to hear your testimony in the comment section. JESUS IS LORD
Amen thanks all the glory belongs and returns to our Almighty Abba Father the Almighty Creator of my precious soul
I am grateful for all the living words and every other thing
I believe and I receive
Amen, so shall it be in Jesus name. Thank you