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Waiting for healing is one of the ways people remain in sickness for a lifetime. You can wait for other things in life as you see appropriate, but not for healing. If you don’t want to remain in your sickness forever, its time to do what it takes to be healed – PRESS IN.

Everyone that will enjoy divine healing and total health must be willing and determined to press in for their miracle. This is what most people are failing at because they don’t want to take responsibility. God is always releasing healing virtue, but it takes the desperate who presses in to draw such virtue for their total health.

The woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5:25-34, took the bull by the horn. She was so desperate and courageous that she did not mind the crowd or her condition, but came behind Jesus and pushed her way through to the touching of His garment. And because God cannot deny those who press their way through, she got her healing instantly. She would have died of sickness if she did not take those bold steps. She was not wishing that Jesus could sight her in the crowd and had pity on her, she went for her miracle.

Is your healing passing you by? It is time to rise above all forms of limitations and push your way through. Limitations when allowed can hinder the blessings of God. Some limitations are created by us, such as laziness and wrong thinking, which must be dismantled. Some other limitations are allowed by us, such as the company you keep or the church you attend. Some other forms of limitations are positioned by the enemy, such as financial constraints and abusive relationships. But in all of these limitations, you can be free, if you will be well determined to take what belongs to you.

See also  The Sure Remedy for Total Health

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Don’t wait for your miracle to come, go for it. Miracle doesn’t come to those who deserve them, miracle only goes to those who demand them. And be careful of one thing, don’t demand little, always go for it all. Don’t just desire to be cured from an illness, but rather desire to be completely made whole. Let me tell you what am talking about: someone who is cured of leprosy may still have the scars evident in the affected site, but if such a person is made whole, the traces are also taken away. Such was the case of Naaman the Syrian who was healed of leprosy and it was recorded  “…and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean”. (2Kings 5:1-15).

To press your way into your miracle, you be willing to be healed and get determined to do all it takes to receive it. Don’t let the devil or any of his agents deceive you into believing that you are not qualified or that your case is impossible. Get into the word of God and pray for the help of the Holy Spirit to grant you understanding. If you are ready, God is forever ready. I believe it’s your turn to be made whole and change the history of your lineage forever. Don’t sit idling around looking for pity parties, rise above obstacles and grab your healing and every miracle you desire today. I long to receive your testimony. Shalom.

See also  Exploring the Wonders of Divine Wisdom


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