man in camouflage suit holding shotgun

Embarking on the journey to fulfill God’s purpose mirrors the ancient Israelites’ path towards their Promised Land. In both, battles arise as trials to test and strengthen our faith. Just as they needed divine help, so do we face our challenges. Our Promised Land, where our purpose comes alive, requires more than our own strength—it demands the guiding hand of the Almighty. This journey is a blend of our efforts and God’s grace, a testament to our faith and His provision. In this exploration, we’ll draw wisdom from the scriptures, learning how to conquer life’s battles with God’s help, just as the Israelites did.

Let’s start by looking at our Bible text.

1Ch 5:18–22 BBE There were 44,760 warriors from Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh—experts with body armor, swords, bows, and war tactics. They fought against the Hagarites, along with Jetur, Naphish, and Nodab. With God’s assistance, they defeated the Hagarites and their allies. They prayed during the battle, and God listened because of their faith. They captured fifty thousand camels, two hundred and fifty thousand sheep, two thousand donkeys, and a hundred thousand men. Many died in the battle, as it was part of God’s plan. They continued living in their land until they were taken captive (emphasis mine).

From this text, we see that Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh fought against the Hagarites, and God helped them win. How did they secure this help?

  1. They prayed during the fight. (Verse 20)
  2. They had faith in God. (Verse 20)
  3. The battle was part of God’s plan and purpose. (Verse 22)

We can also receive divine help by following these steps in reverse order:

  1. Know God’s purpose for your life.
  2. Strengthen your faith in God’s ability.
  3. Pray and expect God’s help.

Before going into a battle, be it starting a mission, business, career, or any endeavor, first find out if it aligns with God’s purpose. God won’t support battles He hasn’t planned. He won’t bless ventures He didn’t start. Many Christians fail because they pursue tasks not initiated by God. If God is involved, victory is certain. So, the initial step is discovering God’s intent through studying His word and praying in the Holy Spirit.

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Once you’ve ensured that your aspirations are in harmony with God’s purpose, the next step is to cultivate and fortify your faith. Without faith, you can’t please God (Hebrews 11:6) or receive from Him (James 1:6–8). To nurture your faith, concentrate on the relevant portions of the Bible. If your concerns involve finances, immerse yourself in verses that speak of prosperity. Likewise, for matters pertaining to marriage, business, or any other realm, engage in a similar practice. Additionally, consider the practice of praying in tongues, a spiritual exercise that can intensify your faith. Similar to exercising muscles for strength, praying in tongues serves to amplify your connection with God and augment your faith’s resilience.

Finally, as you’ve fortified your faith in God, the time has come to raise your voice in prayer and beseech His divine assistance. Picture it as an earnest conversation with the Almighty, a direct line of communication with the Creator of all things. This is the moment to persist in prayer until you witness the manifestation of victory—similar to persistently knocking on a door until it swings open before you.

There are discernible qualities that lend potency to your prayers. These qualities of effective prayer that bring divine help are:

  • Is mixed with faith (James 1:6): This echoes the imperative of believing with unwavering conviction that your petitions are heard and acknowledged. It’s an embodiment of the deep-seated trust that God’s response aligns with your highest good.
  • Is consistent (Luke 18:1–8): Analogous to the persistent widow’s plea for justice, your prayers are most efficacious when they exhibit unwavering constancy. The parallel lies in persistently seeking the face of God, demonstrating your unwavering dependence on His wisdom and intervention.
  • Is heartfelt (James 5:16): Resonant with James’ counsel, authentic prayers stem from the very core of your being. Comparable to baring your soul to a confidante, such fervent petitions draw you closer to the divine, fostering a profound connection.
  • Are void of unrighteousness (James 5:16, John 9:31): Reflecting the essence of righteous living, unblemished prayers uphold the tenets of righteousness and morality. Akin to standing before God with clean hands and a pure heart, these prayers are sincere and untainted.
  • Is mixed with thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6): Following the tenets of Paul’s exhortation, gratitude amplifies your petitions. Just as Paul advocates combining supplications with thanksgiving, this practice underscores appreciation for past blessings and demonstrates a profound understanding of God’s grace.
See also  Unlock Miracles: Discover the Secrets of Effective Prayer for Divine Help

Incorporating these qualities into your prayers mirrors the scriptural principles that imbue your communion with God with depth and efficacy, facilitating the release of His divine assistance into your life.

In conclusion, in the journey of life, victory is not solely a product of our own efforts; it’s about aligning ourselves with the divine. The story of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh serves as a timeless reminder that God’s assistance can transform battles into triumphs. By knowing God’s purpose, building unshakable faith, and praying fervently, we tap into a wellspring of strength that guides us to victory. As you face life’s challenges, remember that you’re not alone—God’s divine help is ready to guide you towards success.


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